Solar thermal district heating plant with 3 MW biomass boiler house

Solar thermal district heating plant with 3 MW biomass boiler house
Metai 2019
Vieta Latvia
  • Energijos gamyba ir galios generavimas, 
  • Savivaldybės
  • Įrangos montavimas ir paleidimas, 
  • Projektavimas ir inžinerija, 
  • Automatika, 
  • Techninė priežiūra ir aptarnavimas po pardavimo, 
  • Galimybių tyrimai ir auditai
  • Katilinės su saulės kolektoriais, 
  • Katilinės, 
  • Siurbliai, 
  • Šilumokaičiai ir šilumos mainų sprendimai
  • Vandens šildymo katilai, 
  • Siurbliai, 
  • Matavimo įranga, 
  • Šilumokaičiai, 
  • Sklendės ir kita vamzdyno įranga

Modernizing district heating: integration of solar and biomass solutions

Introduce the largest Solar Thermal District Heating Plant in all of Eastern Europe. The solar district heating plant comprises a field of 1720 solar collectors, generating an annual output of 12000 MWh, complemented by a 3 MW biomass-based boiler. The primary objective was to modernize and transition a conventional district heating plant into a renewable energy-based facility. Addressing the challenge of solar thermal energy fluctuations, an 8000 m3 accumulator tank (diameter: 20 m, height: 28 m) was implemented to store energy using glycol heat exchange. Existing outdated systems have been seamlessly integrated with the new technology to serve as backup heat sources during maintenance, ensuring uninterrupted heat supply. Additionally, a 3 MW biomass-based boiler has been installed to provide supplementary heating during winter months. All new heat sources have been synchronized with the existing heating network. Scope of supply includes design works, steam boiler, storage tank, electrification and automation of processes, installation, commissioning, and maintenance.

The ambitious and successful project has gotten nation wide recognition for its engineering feat, Salaspils Siltums district heating plant has won the prestigious Latvian construction award „Grand Prix” from amongst 162 nominees. Achieving the „Largest and most significant project of the year” award, the winner is published all around national media.

  • 1720 Solar collectors
  • 21595 m2 Solar collectors area
  • 12000 MWh per year Thermal output
  • 3 MW Biomass boiler
  • 8000 m3 Accumulator tank
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