Our containerized water treatment solution is designed to prepare water suitable for car washing while also maximizing water reuse, thereby promoting sustainable water usage. The water treatment system maximizes water reuse for vehicle washing. It starts with filling the 25 m3 storage tanks from a 2-module softening unit. If water levels drop, tap water bypasses the softener. Self-priming pumps (2 pcs. each 39 m3/h and 3.5 bar) supply water to hydrants, with used water recycled through filters and returned to the tank. Additional treatment occurs in sand filters before transfer to 2x2m3 purified water tanks. Turbidity is monitored, allowing reuse if quality is sufficient. If not, high-pressure washers are supplied with tap water. Automated controls maintain levels and pressure in the system.
Containerized water treatment plant for operation of the vehicle wash system
- Ūdensapgādes un notekūdeņu attīrīšanas nozare
- Iekārtu uzstādīšana un iedarbināšana,
- Projektēšanas pakalpojumi,
- Automātikas risinājumi
- Ūdens sagatavošana
- Ūdens sagatavošanas iekārtas,
- Sūkņi,
- Vārsti un cauruļvadu armatūra,
- Rūpniecisko procesu instrumentācija
Containerized water treatment plant
25 m3 Water tank
2x39 m3/h Pumps
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