
Tvaika un kondensāta sistēmas

Tvaika un kondensāta sistēmas nodrošina efektīvu siltumenerģijas pārnesi un termisko regulēšanu tehnoloģiskajos, siltumapgādes un dzesēšanas procesos dažādās rūpnieciskajās iekārtās un ražošanas procesos. Šo sistēmu uzticamība ir ārkārtīgi svarīga, jo kļūmes var izraisīt dārgus ražošanas pārtraukumus, produktu bojājumus un pat drošības riskus. Lai gan 100% uzticamību nevar garantēt nevienai sistēmai, rūpīgi izstrādājot, uzstādot un apkalpojot tvaika un kondensāta sistēmas, ir iespējams sasniegt ļoti augstu uzticamības līmeni.

  • Palielināta efektivitāte
  • Atbilstība normatīviem un standartiem
  • Minimāla apkope
  • Enerģijas atgūšana un ilgtspējība
  • Sistēmas elastība un uzticamība
Sadarbojamies ar illustration

Our expertise

  • Steam heat transfer solutions

    Steam heat transfer solutions are engineered to optimize the exchange of thermal energy, ensuring your processes run smoothly and efficiently by maximizing heat transfer rates and reducing energy consumption. Benefits: high heat content, small bore pipework, easy temperature control, fast reaction time.

    Steam heat exchanger units

    Steam standardized heat exchanger units transfer heat between steam to some other medium – either some fluid like water or a specific product from factory. Steam heat exchanger loop is fully automated while ensuring smooth and safe heating cycles with efficient condensate return. Steam heat exchanger units are used mostly in cases where the desired temperatures are very high, the process is variable and changes quickly – heating up cycles for autoclaves, pasteurization and sterilization, CIP units, drying cylinders, presses as well as hot water production and heating of buildings.

    Steam-air heater units

    These units are designed to efficiently heat air or other gases using steam, ensuring precise temperature control for various industrial applications. By leveraging steam’s heat energy heaters enhance process efficiency, reduce energy costs. Typically used in air heaters (through air heater batteries) in productions or as a humidification system (direct contact).

    Steam-water storage calorifier units

    Steam-water storage calorifier units are made to store and heat water using steam energy to enjoy reliable hot water supply solutions that enhance convenience, efficiency, and sustainability in your operations. It usually consists of a hot water storage vessel with a primary heating coil inside. It can be used in various applications. Perfect use for hot domestic water heating system.

    Superheated water-steam generators

    Superheated water-steam generators are designed to produce high-temperature steam by rapidly heating water above its boiling point, these generators offer a dynamic energy source for various industrial processes.

    Heat recovery – flash steam

    Made to recover flash steam from your processes to be used for various applications – driving efficiency, reducing energy costs, and promoting sustainability.

  • Steam trap stations

    Eliminating condensate and air is a vital step, while efficiently returning condensate to the boiler house optimizes energy utilization – no matter your application. Safe and efficient condensate removal from the steam system reduces the risks of waterhammerring, vibration and ensures designed heat transfer in heat exchangers.

  • Steam separator units

    By effectively removing entrained moisture, we ensure the delivery of dry steam to consumers, which is vital for several reasons:

    • Dry steam contains more energy than wet steam.
    • Dry steam is crucial for meeting strict sterilization standards.
    • It helps protect systems and pipework from corrosion and scaling.
    • It helps avoid the deterioration of valves and flowmeters due to rapid wear or water hammer.

  • Flowmetering systems

    Whether for liquids or gases, our systems ensure precise data collection for a wide range of applications. Available in various sizes and configurations, these systems are easy to integrate and offer reliable performance for your specific steam/gas and/or condensate/liquid flow measurement needs.

  • Clean steam generators

    Un-fired clean steam generators ensure the production of pure, impurity-free steam using demineralized water, significantly reducing the risk of cross-contamination. These generators can be heated with either plant steam, thermal oil, or superheated water. The units are constructed from stainless steel and come equipped with all the necessary valves, ancillaries, control, and safety devices to ensure the precise and safe operation of the steam generator. Our product range includes clean steam generators with a production capacity ranging from 70 to 5500 kg/h.

  • Culinary steam units

    Culinary steam units are here to enhance your culinary processes with a specialized steam solution designed to meet the standards of the food and beverage industry, such as the culinary steam grade (3A Standard 609-03). These units come equipped with a special culinary steam filter featuring a fine inner element rated at 5 microns or smaller.

  • Thermocompressors

    A thermocompressor is a device that uses high-pressure steam as the driving force to entrain lower-pressure steam, often exhaust steam, and discharge the mixture with intermediate-pressure steam. Applying the thermocompressor correctly into the steam and condensate system can save a tremendous amount of energy and reduce emissions.

    Thanks to thermocompressor technology, it is possible to use low-pressure steam, flash steam, which previously was not used due to its low potential and was simply released into the atmosphere/wasted.

  • Steam pressure reduction units

    Steam pressure reduction units are used to decrease steam pressure from the system to desired pressure used by the steam consumer. Regulating steam pressure is essential for safety and efficiency.

    Our units ensure easy but precise control, reducing the risk of overpressure and enhancing overall system performance.

  • Steam accumulators

    Steam accumulators are designed to store excess steam and return it when demand surges, ensuring a steady and efficient energy supply and minimizing boiler cycling, therefore reducing energy waste.

    Steam accumulators are mostly used in cases when steam demand is very variable (load jumps) and if occasionally the demand of steam is greater than the boiler’s ability to supply.

  • Steam collectors

    Steam collectors / steam manifolds are effective support devices for collecting and distributing steam in the boiler house and industry.

    Steam collectors are used when there is more than one steam boiler and/or when it is necessary to share the steam between many different consumers.

    Steam collectors supplied by us separate the condensate from the steam before the saturated steam travels further along the distribution pipeline to the steam consumers. Steam collector gives the opportunity to cut out some consumers from system without the need to close the whole system.

  • Desuperheating systems

    Desuperheating systems are designed to precisely lower the temperature of superheated steam by spraying water into it, ensuring the temperature matches your process requirements with accuracy, therefore preventing thermal stress and enhancing overall system performance. Desuperheater range provides turndown from 3:1 to 50:1.

Mēs esam šeit, lai atbalstītu jūs ik uz soļa inženiertehniskos jautājumos, neatkarīgi no tā, vai ir nepieciešams sistēmu vai iekārtu audits, pilna cikla projekta realizācija vai servisa pieejamība 24/7
  • illustration

    Sistēmu audits

    Veicam sistēmas un tās darbības analīzi kopumā. Katrs audits tiek sastādīts atbilstoši tieši jūsu prasībām, un to veic pieredzējuši inženieri.

  • illustration


    Piedāvājam personalizētu pieeju katram klientam, lai nodrošinātu, ka projektēšanas risinājumi tiek veidoti, ņemot vērā klienta konkrētās vajadzības un mērķus.

  • illustration

    Projektu vadība un realizācija

    Projektu realizācija, sākot no projektēšanas un iekārtu piegādes līdz iekārtu nodošanai ekspluatācijā, un apkalpošanu ekspluatācijas laikā.

  • illustration


    Līgumklientiem iekārtu un sistēmu regulāra un kvalificēta apkope un remonts jebkurā diennakts laikā.

Vai jūsu nozarē tiek izmantotas vismodernākās un uzticamākās tvaika un kondensāta sistēmas?

Kā nākotnes līderim jūsu nozarē ir svarīgi ne tikai nodrošināt efektivitāti un uzticamību, bet arī ņemt vērā ietekmi uz vidi. Ilgtspējīgas tvaika un kondensāta sistēmas ir izstrādātas, lai samazinātu negatīvo ietekmi uz apkārtējo vidi un atbilstu visstingrākajiem standartiem. Vai jūsu sistēmas atbilst šīm prasībām? Mūsu pieredzējušo inženieru komanda piedāvā priekšizpēti un auditu, lai novērtētu jūsu esošo sistēmu efektivitāti un atbilstību videi draudzīgai praksei. Mēs izstrādāsim pielāgotu risinājumu, kas atbilst jūsu nozares specifiskajām vajadzībām, sākot no sistēmu projektēšanas un optimizēšanas līdz risinājuma ieviešanai un pastāvīgai iekārtu servisa apkopei.

  • illustration Energoefektivitāte

    Mūsu inženieri rūpīgi pārbaudīs jūsu sistēmas, lai identificētu iespējas samazināt enerģijas patēriņu un uzlabot kopējo efektivitāti.

  • illustration Uzticamība

    Mēs novērtēsim jūsu sistēmu bojājumu, remontdarbu un apkopes biežumu, lai palīdzētu novērst dīkstāves un samazināt uzturēšanas izmaksas.

  • illustration Drošība

    Mēs pārliecināsimies, ka jūsu sistēmas atbilst visiem nozares drošības standartiem un noteikumiem, lai pasargātu jūsu darbiniekus un novērstu negadījumus.

  • illustration Kondensāta atgūšana

    Mēs palīdzēsim jums izstrādāt un ieviest sistēmas, kas atgūst un atkārtoti izmanto kondensātu, samazinot ūdens un enerģijas patēriņu.

  • illustration Siltuma atgūšana

    Mēs palīdzēsim jums izmantot liekā siltuma pārpalikumu citiem procesiem, tādējādi palielinot kopējo energoefektivitāti.

  • illustration Uzraudzība un kontrole

    Mēs ieviesīsim mūsdienīgas sistēmas, kas nodrošina reāllaika uzraudzību, automatizāciju un attālinātās pārvaldības iespējas, ļaujot precīzi kontrolēt jūsu sistēmu darbību.

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