
Gāzes iekšdedzes dzinēji

INNIO Jenbacher gāzes iekšdedzes dzinēji ar elektrisko jaudu no 0.25 MW līdz 10.4 MW. To kopējais lietderības koeficients var sasniegt līdz 94%. Dzinēji darbināmi ar dabasgāzi, biogāzi, kā arī citu veidu gāzi, piemēram atkritumu izgāztuves gāzi.  Pateicoties patentētai dzinēja sadegšanas vadības un monitoringa sistēmai. INNIO Jenbacher iekārtas atbilst stingrākajiem starptautiskajiem kaitīgo izmešu standartiem, nodrošinot dzinēju augstu lietderību un ilgu darbmūžu.


  • Vienlaicīga elektroenerģijas un siltumenerģijas ražošana

    Increasing efficiency and reducing costs

  • Energy independence

    Generate your own energy, reducing your dependence on external energy sources

  • Reliable back-up

    Power source in case of power outages or disruptions

  • Peak shaving application

    Reducing the demand on the grid during peak times, lowering energy costs

  • Reliability and easy operation

    Known for reliability and hassle-free energy solutions

  • Expert support

    We provide support and service to ensure that the gas engine operates at peak performance

Energy solutions for a greener future

FILTER is INNIO Jenbacher gas engines authorized distributor and service partner.

Jenbacher gas engines range in power from 250 kW – 4.500 kW and the engines run on either natural gas or a variety of other gases. All Jenbacher gas engines are available as:

  • GenSet: packaged generator sets for power generation only.
  • CHP Module: simultaneous power and heat generation at a very high total efficiencies, reaching 90% and even more.
  • Containerized solutions: “ready-to-use” power plants, available for GenSet and CHP module.

INNIO Jenbacher gas engine, together with generator, control system is oftenly used as a back-up or peak shaving generator. When supplemented with auxiliary equipment it forms Combined Heat and Power plant (CHP) for simultaneous production of electricity and heat, as well as cold (CCHP) which can be installed on site or delivered as a ready containerized unit.

A broad range of commercial, industrial, and municipal customers use Jenbacher products for on-site generation of power, heat, and cooling. We’ll help to filter out the specific product or solution that your industrial company needs!

* Provided technical data is for information only. Data ranges are calculated considering various gas quality levels and ambient conditions (standard or hot/tropical conditions, etc.). Jenbacher can change the technical data unilaterally. Output and efficiency at generator terminals. Energy input is according to DIN ISO 3046 and DIN 6271, respectively, with a tolerance of + 5%. All data according to full load and subject to technical development and modification. Based on emission values of 250 and 500 mg/Nm3 NOx at 5% O2 at dry exhaust gas. Base for biogas and sewage gas versions: 65% CH4 / 35% CO2. Base for landfill gas version: 55% CH4 / 40% CO2 / Rest N2.
** The product images are for illustrative purposes, and the actual product may appear different from the one shown in the pictures.
*** Please note: Product selection may vary in different countries where we operate. 

Maximizing efficiency with innovative partners illustration
  • Jenbacher INNIO


  • Jenbacher Type 2 gas engines: power range 250 - 330 kWe

    Introduced in 1976 and continuously improved, the Jenbacher type 2 stationary engine concept provides excellent durability, while enhanced components and a proven control and monitoring model give the engine outstanding reliability. Its robust design and stationary engine concept result in excellent component durability and a service life of 80,000 operating hours before the first major overhaul.

    • Enhanced components and a proven control and monitoring concept give this engine outstanding reliability.
    • Applicable heat sources include engine cooling water, oil, mixture gas, and exhaust gas.
    • Scope of supply
      GenSet, CHP Module, Containerized solutions
    • Thermal output
      266 - 414 kW
    • Voltage
      400V, 6.3kV, 10.5kV
    • Electrical efficiency
      up to 39.7 %
    • Thermal efficiency
      up to 52 %
    • L8 cylinder
      1,500/1,800 rpm (50/60 Hz)
  • Jenbacher Type 3 gas engines: power range 0.5 - 1 MWe

    Long service intervals, a maintenance-friendly engine design, and low fuel consumption ensure maximum efficiency, while enhanced components prolong service life. Enhanced components prolong service life even when using non-pipeline gases, such as landfill gas. Our type 3 engines offer an outstanding service interval with up to 80,000 operating hours until the major overhaul. In addition to delivering efficiency as high as 43.2% when operating on pipeline gas, the Type 3F engine is optimized for reduced total hydrocarbon (THC) emissions, future-proof fuel flexibility.


    • Scope of supply
      GenSet, CHP Module, Containerized solutions
    • Thermal output
      508 - 1,366 kW
    • Voltage
      400V, 6.3kV, 10.5kV
    • Electrical efficiency
      up to 43.2 %
    • Thermal efficiency
      up to 51.2 %
    • V12, V16 ,V20 cylinder
      1,500/1,800 rpm (50/60 Hz)
  • Jenbacher Type 4 gas engines: power range 0.8 - 1.5 MWe

    Based on the proven design concepts of types 3 and 6, the modern Jenbacher type 4 engines are characterized by a high-power density and outstanding efficiency. The enhanced control and monitoring provide easy preventive maintenance, high reliability and availability.

    • The high-power turbocharger allows optimal operation at higher air intake temperature and altitude.
    • A four-valve cylinder heads features enhanced swirl and channel geometry using advanced calculation and simulation methods, resulting in optimal cooling and combustion conditions.
    • The Type 4’s connecting rod reduces bearing wear and is easy to maintain.
    • Scope of supply
      GenSet, CHP Module, Containerized solutions
    • Thermal output
      750 - 1,906 kW
    • Voltage
      400V, 6.3kV, 10.5kV
    • Electrical efficiency
      up to 44 %
    • Thermal efficiency
      up to 50.5 %
    • V12, V16 and V20 cylinder
      1,500/1,800 rpm (50/60 Hz)
  • Jenbacher Type 6 gas engines: power range 1.8 - 4.5 MWe

    Type 6 engines are loaded with features that enhance heat recovery, assure stable combustion, reduce emissions, and increase efficiency—taking the Jenbacher line to new levels of performance. Proven design and enhanced components support a service life of 60,000 operating hours before the first major overhaul. The J624 model features the advanced 2-stage turbocharging technology, which offers high electrical and total efficiencies combined with improved flexibility over a wide range of ambient conditions.

    • A centrally-located purged pre-combustion chamber helps provide optimal ignition conditions.
    • The spark plug ignition energy is amplified in the pre-combustion chamber, facilitating stable and reliable combustion.
    • Miller valve timing creates reduced compression temperature and an increased safety margin to knocking limits, providing improved ignition timing and high efficiency.
    • Scope of supply
      GenSet, CHP Module, Containerized solutions
    • Thermal output
      1,657 - 4,706 kW
    • Voltage
      400V, 6.3kV, 10.5kV
    • Electrical efficiency
      up to 47 %
    • Thermal efficiency
      up to 47.5 %
    • V12, V16, V20 cylinder
      1,500 rpm (50/60 Hz) V24 2-stage turbocharged

"Ready for H2"

All new Jenbacher plants are “Ready for H2”.

With Jenbacher H2 engines, you can run your plant on conventional pipeline gas and flexibly start mixing in H2.
The switch to a CO2-free operation can be done with an engine conversion when hydrogen becomes more readily available.

Read more on Jenbacher’s website.

Why to prefer Jenbacher gas engines?

With a wealth of experience, Jenbacher is among the global technology leaders when it comes to engine-based power generation and waste heat recovery solutions. We can help you to upgrade your process, build a new solution, or provide maintenance service. Contact us for consultancy!

  • illustration Proven efficiency

    Offering superior efficiency through an innovative engine concept, Jenbacher engines save on fuel without sacrificing flexibility or reliability. This results in reduced energy costs and improved sustainability.

  • illustration Reliability

    Jenbacher gas engines have a long service life and low maintenance requirements. With their reliability, dependability and high degree of availability, it’s easy to see why over 210MW of installed capacity have been delivered.

  • illustration Wide range of fuels available

    Jenbacher gas engines can run on a variety of fuels, including natural gas, associated petroleum gas (flare gas), propane, biogas, sewage gas, landfill gas, coal mine gas, other special gases (e.g. coke, wood, and pyrolysis gases).

  • illustration Environmental benefits

    Jenbacher gas engines produce low emissions, helping to reduce the environmental impact of energy generation.

  • illustration Future-proof fuel flexibility

    The new and improved Jenbacher engines offer customers proven robustness and reliability while delivering the highest efficiency ever. In addition to delivering efficiency as high as 43.3% when operating on pipeline gas, the engines are optimized for reduced total hydrocarbon (THC) emissions, future-proofed fuel flexibility, and enhanced serviceability. Furthermore, the latest engine models come with a “Ready for H2” option and are retrofittable for most installed engine types.

Our solutions provide peace of mind for any industry

Filter group companies has constructed decades gas engine cogeneration plants with over 400 engine units for different industries, such as: food &beverage, tyre manufacturing, automotive industry and greenhouses.

  • Agriculture & Food processing

    Using biogas from the fermentation of organic waste in agriculture, food and beverage production, and other industries, you can efficiently create heat and power as a reliable alternative energy source to power your business

    • Yield highly efficient, onsite combined heat and power generation.
    • Harness organic waste as an alternative energy source.
    • Use remaining substrate as nutrient-rich fertilizer.
    • Potentially reduce greenhouse gas emission.
    • Avoid the need to dispose of biowaste.
  • Wastewater treatment

    Water treatment processes in waste water treatment plants (WWTP) include energy-intense operations, such as aeration and pumping. In plants that employ anaerobic digestion for biosolids treatment the sewage gas that is produced can be used to produce electricity. Using modern gas engines, this renewable energy source can efficiently and reliably be converted into electricity. This can cover up to 80% (100%) of a plant’s electricity needs and eliminate the need to use fossil fuels to heat the plant.

    Gas produced in anaerobic digesters from municipal WWTPs generally contains 55% to 65% methane and has a typical heating value of 6 kWh/Nm3. As a general rule, approximately 1 MW of electricity can be generated from the biosolids of waste water treated from approximately 500,000 population equivalents.

    Jenbacher gas engines high electrical efficiencies provide renewable energy solutions and are robustly designed to handle the variable nature of sewage gas. Our extensive portfolio of engine sizes and outputs allow project designers and operators to properly match fuel availability with the engine ensuring maximum energy production, long-term reliability and the highest possible budget savings.

  • Greenhouses

    Jenbacher technology is fueling life itself, in greenhouses growing food and other plants. The benefits of cogeneration for greenhouses go well beyond heating and lighting.

    A global increase in both food demand and environmental awareness has led to a rapid rise in the greenhouse horticulture industry. That is because greenhouses today have the ability to simultaneously increase the viability of their crops and effectively control carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Jenbacher technology can provide you with heat, electricity and CO2 fertilization, increasing your greenhouse’s total efficiency, profitability and plant production.

    Jenbacher combined heat and power (CHP) systems not only provide electricity for on-site or public grid use, but also heat and CO2 to fertilize plants and meet the requirements of an efficient greenhouse. By increasing the intensity of the artificial lighting that is found in some greenhouses, plants absorb even more CO2. Plant growth and the subsequent harvest yield can be significantly increased by enriching the greenhouse environment with CO2, keeping the temperature constant, and providing sufficient lighting.

    The energy created by gas engine cogeneration systems in greenhouses can be used in various ways. The electricity can provide the power for artificial lighting and/or be fed into the public grid. And while the heat can efficiently meet the greenhouse’s requirements, the CO2
    from the engine exhaust gas can help fertilize the plants. That is because the exhaust from gas engines burning natural gas contains approximately 0.2kg of CO2 per kWh of energy input.

  • Data centres

    You can bring down emissions significantly by replacing the conventional electric-driven cooling compressors now used in data centers with combined onsite power generation. Our technology uses the generated waste heat with individual solutions based on absorption chillers, heat pumps and other waste heat recovery solutions. When fueled with highly reliable pipeline gas, Jenbacher CCHP systems can cut your data center’s CO2 footprint by up to 50%—depending on the energy mix—while saving more than 20% of the primary energy used.

    In a Jenbacher trigeneration plant, the engine continuously provides electrical power, efficiently and reliably. The waste heat it generates can be used in an absorption chiller to produce continuous, energy-efficient cooling. Because they have no moving parts, absorption chillers are very reliable and represent the technology of choice for continuous operation.

  • Commercial & industrial buildings

    CHP generation saves approximately 40% of fuel compared to separate generation, and building CHP systems where or near they are used avoids significant supply and distribution losses. Jenbacher industrial gas engines can generate CHP efficiencies up to 90%. Now that’s intelligent.

    The basic structure of a Jenbacher cogeneration system, installed inside the building, usually includes an engine/generator unit and heat exchangers that use waste heat. A wide range of heat sources—from engine cooling water and oil to an air/fuel gas mixture and exhaust gas—can be configured for each individual customer application. Jenbacher solutions deliver flexible power generation and a high degree of reliability and availability to meet energy needs of our industrial and commercial customers.

    Jenbacher CHP modules can be also packaged into containers. As an option, we can supply Jenbacher ready-to-use containerized gas gensets. Jenbacher gas power plants in containers allow our commercial and industrial customers to start using the benefits of onsite power generation quickly.

  • Independent power producers & utilities

    Electricity is a fundamental necessity for all independent power producers, utility companies, manufacturers, municipalities, and industrial operations like chemical and textile producers. To meet this need, Jenbacher is redefining the limits of power and performance with a broad distributed power portfolio of packages for power generation.

  • Automotive industry

    Many chemical reactions in manufacturing processes release heat. Efficient cooling is necessary to maintain the desired temperature and control reaction rates. Cooling towers and condensers help manage the heat generated during chemical processes.

    In the automotive industry, reliability, simple operation, high efficiency levels and low emissions are all critical aspects of energy conversion, not just for the end products that convert fuel to mobility, but also the supply chain that manufactures those products.

    Combined Heat and Power (CHP), or cogeneration, dependably generates onsite electric power while capturing thermal energy from the combustion of renewable and fossil fuels and applies it towards thermal processes like heating and chilling. This makes CHP applications in the automotive industry a much more efficient process than dual-source heat and power generation, where most of the thermal energy produced is simply lost through the stacks of large power plants. Further, some electrical energy is lost through the transmission and distribution of that energy across long distances. For these reasons, globally, nearly two-thirds of all the fuel used in power generation is wasted. Fuel efficiency means energy cost savings.

Take a look at the projects we've implemented.

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