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    Cooling tower delivery and installation

    Cooling tower delivery and installation
    Година 2021
    Местоположение Bulgaria
    • Металургия, минерали и минна дейност
    • Монтаж и въвеждане в експлоатация
    • Индустриални решения за охлаждане
    • Охладителни кули и сухи охладители

    Delivery and exchange of Marley cooling tower for copper Industry

    This project involved the delivery and exchange of a Marley cooling tower for a customer in the copper industry. The new cooling tower will have an output capacity of 685 m³/h, designed to improve cooling efficiency and meet the operational needs of the facility. Scope of supply: equipment delivery and installation. All necessary equipment was supplied, and the installation process was carried out to ensure optimal integration with the existing systems. The system was commissioned, tested, and fully operationalized. Additionally, operator training was provided to ensure proper maintenance and efficient operation of the new cooling tower. This FILTER solution aimed to enhance the cooling system’s efficiency, support continuous operations in the copper industry, and ensure long-term reliability of the cooling process.

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