
Tvaika katli un tvaika ģeneratori

Ja jums ir nepieciešams augstas kvalitātes tehnoloģiskais tvaiks ar ražību no 10 kg/h līdz 30,000 kg/h, sazinieties ar mums, lai uzzinātu vairāk par mūsu tvaika katlu risinājumiem. Mūsu pieredzējušie speciālisti palīdzēs jums izvēlēties piemērotāko katlu ar spiedienu līdz 30 bar, kā arī nodrošinās tā pareizu uzstādīšanu un apkopi.

7500 kg/h, 12bar
  • A customer-oriented selection of products
  • Availability
  • Comfort
  • Taylor-made solution
  • Security of supply

Ar 30 gadu pieredzi tehnoloģiskā tvaika ražošanā

Jaunu tvaika katlu māju būvniecība un esošo rekonstrukcija. Mūsu piedāvātie tvaika katli nodrošina ražību diapazonā no 10 kg/h līdz 30,000 kg/h, garantējot izcilas kvalitātes tehnoloģisko tvaiku un stabilu ražošanas procesu. Mūsu tvaika katli var darboties ar dažādiem kurināmā veidiem, tostarp šķidro kurināmo, mazutu, dabasgāzi, biogāzi, propānu un citu gāzveida kurināmo. Kurināmā veids tiek ņemts vērā jau katla projektēšanas stadijā, nodrošinot augstāku iekārtas lietderības koeficientu un ilgu darba mūžu. Mūsu ātriedarbīgie un kompaktie tvaika ģeneratori ir piemēroti plašam jaudas diapazonam, sākot no 100 kg/h līdz 15,000 kg/h, ar darba spiedienu no 1 līdz 60 bar. Tie nodrošina nemainīgi augstus lietderības rādītājus visā jaudas diapazonā.

Attēli ir paredzēti ilustratīviem nolūkiem, un faktiskās iekārtas var atšķirties no attēlos redzamā.

Mūsu piedāvājumā

  • Clayton steam generators

    Clayton Steam Generators produce saturated steam from 100kW up to 13MW and can produce even superheated steam boilers.
    Clayton technology is compact, reliable, and efficient, available in various versatile configurations.
    Clayton technology can produce steam in 5 min even after a cold start.
    Available steam pressures starting from 7 bar. g and up to 200 bar.g.
    Available fuels:  Natural Gas, LNG, LPG, Biogas, Light and Heavy Oils.

  • Fire-tube steam boiler plant for gas and oil

    Fire-tube boilers utilize a robust design, with the hot gases flowing through tubes immersed in water, providing efficient heat transfer and stable steam production. Their versatility makes them suitable for applications ranging from small-scale heating to large industrial processes.
    Fire-tube steam boilers output range: 0.35 to 20.0 MW.

  • Electrical steam boilers

    Electrical steam boilers can be used in many cases:

    • when the primary available energy is electricity;
    • there is a need for a back-up energy source undependent of the primary fuel;
    • to cover peak loads;
    • and many more.

    The boilers are available with outputs from 10 kW up to 20 MW and more with both low and high voltage systems.
    Read more about electrical steam boilers
    Watch video

  • Biomass steam boilers

    Introducing our range of biomass steam boilers, designed enduring operational longevity, remarkable high efficiency, and minimal maintenance:

    • Nominal output: 400-15,000 kW
    • Output: Process steam up to 450 °C, within the range of 0.5 to 40 bar, or electrical power and process heat via steam turbine or motor
    • Each unit is custom-designed to precisely match the unique requirements of our customers
    • Extended full-load run times between maintenance shutdowns
    • Typical Applications: distilleries, food processing plants, hospitals, and beyond

Our solutions provide peace of mind for any industry

  • Power generation

    Steam boilers are used for small-scale power generation plants, such as cogeneration plants, biomass plants, waste heat recovery plants, etc.

  • Process steam

    In various industries, such as food processing, textile manufacturing, and chemical production, steam boilers serve the essential function of providing process steam.

  • Heating

    Steam boilers can be used for domestic or industrial heating purposes, such as space heating, water heating, air conditioning, etc.

  • Marine

    Steam boilers are used for marine applications, such as ship propulsion systems, auxiliary engines, auxiliary boilers, etc.

Benefits of our steam boilers

  • illustration Wide selection of steam production technologies

    Our portfolio covers almost all different technologies that are used to product high quality steam. We help to choose the right technologu to yout specific production need.

  • illustration Top quality and efficiency

    We have put lots of effort to choose only top quality manufacturers and producers of steam boilers and generators to guarantee high efficincy and security of supply when dealing with steam.

  • illustration Economical savings and low emissions

    Our steam production systems are designed so that customer's OPEX costs (costs for resources like fuel, water, electricity, chemicals, salts, service labor costs etc.) are as low as possible. High efficiency and low waste energy leads to lower emissions and environmental friendly production.

  • illustration Safety and security of supply

    Ensuring safety and security to all our solutions is our main foundation and key-point when implementing a design and selecting a product. All of our steam boilers are certified to local regulations and are equipped with all needed safety equipment for safe and smooth operation.

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