This project involves the delivery and installation of two cooling towers for a leading brewery in Bulgaria. The towers are Marley Aquatower models, designed with a one-cell crossflow system and a maximum flow capacity of 56 m³/h. These cooling towers will play a significant role in maintaining optimal temperatures during the brewing process, which is essential for producing high-quality beer. Additionally, their advanced design will help reduce energy consumption and operational costs. Equipped with high-efficiency IE4 motors, these cooling towers ensure optimal energy performance and reliability. The project is set to significantly enhance the brewery’s cooling capabilities, fostering more efficient and sustainable operations.
Delivery and installation of high-efficiency cooling towers
- Pruulimine ja destilleerimine
- Paigaldamine ja kasutuselevõtt
- Tööstuslikud jahutuslahendused
- Tööstuslikud jahutustornid ja kuivjahutid
Delivery and installation of high-efficiency Marley® cooling towers for Bulgarian brewery
56 m³/h Flow capacity
IE4 Motor efficiency
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