Installation of steam generator and water treatment equipment under laboratory conditions

Installation of steam generator and water treatment equipment under laboratory conditions
Aasta 2024
Asukoht Estonia
  • Toit ja joogid, 
  • Haiglad ja laborid
  • Insenerlahendused ja projekteerimine, 
  • Paigaldamine ja kasutuselevõtt, 
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  • Auru- ja kondensaadisüsteemid, 
  • Veetöötluslahendused
  • Aurukatlad ja aurugeneraatorid, 
  • Ventiilid ja toruabiseadmed, 
  • Veetöötlusseadmed

Installation of steam generator and water treatment equipment under laboratory conditions

This project is a great example of how we can help clients from different fields who need steam for their processes. Even in laboratory conditions. Our client, TFTAK, is a privately owned research organization with a mission to accelerate food and biotech innovation by developing innovative, sustainable, and health-supporting food technologies.

Their research laboratory requires 40 kg/h of pure steam. Based on their needs, our Filter engineers designed pipelines for steam and condensate returning. We installed electrical steam generator, a suitably designed water softener, and pipelines. Stainless steam pipes were isolated and covered with a stain to reduce thermal energy losses and protect employees in the room. One of the process was to design and create proper blowdown cooler to cool down the condensate and steam heading to sewage. Our Filter service team also continues to maintain devices to ensure high quality steam for TFTAK laboratory.


  • Steam generator
  • Water softener devices
  • Condensate returning system
  • Steam pipes and valves
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