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    Installation solution for two steam generators in a container

    Installation solution for two steam generators in a container
    Aasta 2021
    Asukoht Estonia
    • Tekstiil ja kiud
    • Insenerlahendused ja projekteerimine, 
    • Paigaldamine ja kasutuselevõtt
    • Tööstuslikud katlamajad, 
    • Energia taaskasutamise lahendused
    • Aurukatlad ja aurugeneraatorid, 
    • Mobiilne konteinerkatlamaja rendiks

    Installation solution for two steam generators in a container for textile service industry

    This project involves the installation of two Clayton Steam Generators (CSMG-100) with a steam output of 3000 kg/hr, designed for the textile service industry company. The steam generators are natural gas-powered, dual-unit systems, housed within a custom-made container for easy installation and operation. The fully automated solution includes advanced features such as economizers and steam separators, which work together to enhance efficiency and ensure the production of high-quality steam. The integration of these components helps optimize fuel consumption, minimize waste, and improve overall system performance. This installation provides the customer with a reliable, efficient, and high-performance steam generation solution tailored to meet the needs of their textile processing operations, while also supporting sustainability and operational cost savings.

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