DATE: 09.01 – 10.01.2024 (2 days), each day from 10:00 to 16:45
LOCATION: Online or at the Filter office (Läike tee 9, Peetri, Estonia)
PRICE: 450€ + VAT per person. From 05.12.2023 an additional cost for registration will be added.
PRICE INCLUDES: Course completion certificate! Two lunches and coffee breaks, seminar materials.
FILTER Academy, in collaboration with Enerhack, is excited to offer you an exclusive opportunity to enhance your knowledge in the world of steam systems. Our “Steam System Basics” seminar is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of steam systems: calculations, steam system components and the roles of various steam equipment. Whether you’re a TechnicalManager, Operator, Technician, or just someone passionate about understanding the fundamentals of steam, this course is for you.
- Steam main features and indicators
- Steam traps and condensate pumps – working principles and selection
- Essential requirements for steam and condensate pipes
- Pressure and temperature control
- Cost effective steam usage
- Practical session of steam production and usage
The theoretical part will be held on Tuesday (09.01.24) and the practical part, including starting a steam boiler and testing a steam stand, will take place on Wednesday (10.01.24).

PhD, Emeritus Professor of The Department of Energy Technology at TalTech University

MSc, Diploma Electrical Engineer, Senior Process Sales Engineer at FILTER.
23 years of experience in developing steam and condensate systems and other energy solutions.

MSc, Thermal Power Engineer, level 7, Energy Team Lead at FILTER.
8 years of experience in energy solutions.

PhD, Thermal Power Engineer, level 8, European Engineer, Engineering Team Lead at FILTER.
15 years of experience in designing energy solutions.
09.01.2024 / 10:00-16:45
Prof. Andres Siirde
Introduction, steam calculations
Peeter Kutti
Steam main features and indicators
Steam traps and condensate pumps – working principles and selection
Essential requirements for steam and condensate pipes
Pressure and temperature controlCost effective steam usage
10.01.2024 / 10:00-16:45
Monika Kollo and Cathy-Liis Põlluveer
Introduction to steam boiler plant components
Cathy-Liis Põlluveer
Practical session I – steam production
Monika Kollo
Practical session II – steam usage