Introducing our efficient LPG Station 19 MW solution, designed for the specific needs of a company specializing in PET manufacturing for food and beverage packaging. Our solution included the installation of LPG tanks, an evaporator, a containerized hot water boiler house, and an advanced control system, all tailored to fit the client’s requirements. In addition to equipment delivery, our services covered installation, electrification, process automation, commissioning, and ongoing maintenance support. FILTER not only ensures the successful implementation of the project but also guarantees its sustained efficiency and reliability over time.
LPG station 19 MW solution
- Packaging industry
- Paigaldamine ja kasutuselevõtt,
- Automatiseerimine,
- Hooldus ja müügijärgne teenindus
- Tööstuslikud katlamajad,
- Soojuse ja elektri koostootmise lahendused
- Veekatlad
Improving PET manufacturing efficiency by our customized LPG station 19 MW solution
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