
Siltuma atgūšanas risinājumi

Mūsu siltuma atgūšanas risinājumi rekuperē un atkārtoti izmanto liekās siltumenerģijas no dažādiem procesiem, tādējādi palielinot kopējo energoefektivitāti, samazinot ekspluatācijas izmaksas un mazinot negatīvo ietekmi uz vidi. Šie risinājumi ir īpaši izdevīgi energoietilpīgo nozaru sistēmās, kur var panākt ievērojamu enerģijas ietaupījumu un emisiju samazinājumu. Enerģijas atgūšana var būt tikpat vienkārša kā viena siltummaiņa risinājums vai tikpat sarežģīta kā integrēta sektora savienojuma sistēma

  • Ekonomiski

    Samaziniet ekspluatācijas izmaksas, atkārtoti izmantojot pārpalikušo siltumenerģiju, tādējādi pozitīvi ietekmējot jūsu peļņas rādītājus.

  • Efektivitāte

    Palieliniet darbības efektivitāti un optimizējiet resursu izmantošanu, atkārtoti izmantojot siltumenerģijas pārpalikumu

  • Ekoloģiski

    Samaziniet oglekļa dioksīda pēdas nospiedumu un atbalstiet videi draudzīgu praksi.

  • Atbilstība normatīvajiem aktiem

    Ievērojiet stingrus vides aizsardzības noteikumus, nodrošinot atbilstību.

  • Gudri enerģijas risinājumi

    Mūsu siltuma atgūšanas risinājumi ir gudra un adaptīva pieeja enerģijas pārvaldībai.


Our expertise

  • Heat recovery from cooling system

    Industrial cooling systems include various possibilities to catch waste heat that is in normal conditions ventilated to atmosphere either through dry-coolers or cooling towers located on the roof of building. Instead of using direct electrical energy-driven cooling equipment, why not use a heat pump so that the recovered heat can be used in building heating, domestic hot water or somewhere else directly in the production. Heat recovery from cooling system

  • Heat recovery from condensate system

    One of the most common mistake a steam system operator does, is not using the full potential of condensate. When allowing condensate to drain directly to the drainage, we automatically loose the energy and effort we have put into it. Condensate = water, energy, water treatment chemicals and salts, service. Do not allow this highly resourceful process leave your factory. Besides just re-using by returning condensate, there are also alternative ways to capture all excess heat contained – recovering flash steam from condensate, using the thermal energy from contaminated condensate and many more.

    Heat recovery from condensate system

  • Heat recovery from waste steam

    When pressurized condensate is released to lower pressure, for an example atmospheric pressure, it will start to evaporate meaning you will now have both condensate in liquid form and steam in gaseous form in the pipeline or in a vessel. Typically this flash steam is vented through ventilation piping but it does not have to be like this. There is a possibility to catch this steam and send it back to the system – this can be done using a heat exchanger, a special flash steam condenser or many more options.

  • Heat recovery from flue gas system

    We can offer different solutions to catch waste heat in flue gases before entering the chimney. This can be done either with a simple econmizer or exhaust gas boiler. Flue gas economizer is basically a special heat exchanger solution that is design to fit your specific needs – room requirements, existing boiler and burner construction and design, materials in use and process where to put the heat.

    Economaizers can be installed to a steam boiler and as well as a hot water boiler. Economizer can be done in different phases, meaning that even if you already have ‘hot eco’ available, there is always room for more.

    Flue gases can be lowerer even up to 40°C, capacity vise there is no restrictions.

    Heat recovery from flue gas system

  • Heat recovery from air compressors

    Most of industries use compressed air to run actuators and operate directly the processes. Air compression system uses lots of electrical energy and during the process there is created lot’s of excess heat that is not used smartly. Usually the waste heat from compression process is cooled down outside using atmosphere air using either dry coolers or cooling towers. There is a solution how to send the excess heat from compressor oil or air back to the factory – using this to preheat the process, rooms of factory itself or hot domestic water.

    Heat recovery from air compressors

  • Heat recovery from combination of production processes

    Heat recovery can be something very simple and coming straight from the process of your specific industry. It is quite everyday life in a factory when simultaneously there is a need for preheating, main heating and cooling cycles for the product. Why not put the entire process work together smartly and efficiently? Why not use the waste energy in the product cooling phase by pre-heating some other part of the process? All of this is very case-dependant and needs to be tailor-design with each case but in general the mindset of this is to create a unique solution in the means of sector-coupling inside the factory.

    Heat recovery from combination of production processes

Key benefits in favor of smarter and more effective energy management

As engineers, we enjoy working with innovative solutions that revolutionize energy utilization, fostering positive transformations in operational performance and environmental responsibility. Consider the numerous benefits of incorporating energy recovery solutions into your practices.

  • illustration Energy security

    By diversifying energy sources and reducing their dependence on the grid, industries can increase their energy security and resilience.

  • illustration Process efficiency & cost savings

    Energy recovery solutions offer significant cost savings by efficiently capturing and utilizing waste heat, reducing reliance on external energy sources, lowering operational expenses, and increasing competitiveness. This optimization positively impacts the reliability and productivity of production processes.

  • illustration Versatility & customization

    Energy recovery solutions cater to a wide range of industries, offering versatile applications from building heating to production processes. Their tailor-designed nature allows for unique and efficient sector-coupling solutions, addressing the specific needs of each case and industry.

  • illustration Resource optimization

    Efficient utilization of condensate, waste steam, flue gases, and excess heat from air compressors enhances resource optimization, ensuring that valuable water, energy, and chemicals are not lost but reused effectively.

  • illustration Compliance & environmental impact

    Decreasing energy waste reduces greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact, aligning with sustainability goals and regulations. Many industries face regulations and emissions targets that energy recovery solutions can help meet.

  • illustration Competitive advantage

    Adopting energy-efficient practices and technologies can enhance a company's reputation and attractiveness to environmentally conscious customers and investors.


Risinājumi rūpniecības un ražošanas uzņēmumiem

30 gadu darbības laikā iegūtā unikālā pieredze ļauj ieteikt mūsu klientiem labākos un ekonomiski izdevīgākos tehnoloģiskos un ekspluatācijas risinājumus ilgtermiņā. Skatīt mūsu zināšanas un pieredzi.

Mēs esam šeit, lai atbalstītu jūs ik uz soļa inženiertehniskos jautājumos, neatkarīgi no tā, vai ir nepieciešams sistēmu vai iekārtu audits, pilna cikla projekta realizācija vai servisa pieejamība 24/7
  • illustration

    Sistēmu audits

    Veicam sistēmas un tās darbības analīzi kopumā. Katrs audits tiek sastādīts atbilstoši tieši jūsu prasībām, un to veic pieredzējuši inženieri.

  • illustration


    Piedāvājam personalizētu pieeju katram klientam, lai nodrošinātu, ka projektēšanas risinājumi tiek veidoti, ņemot vērā klienta konkrētās vajadzības un mērķus.

  • illustration

    Projektu vadība un realizācija

    Projektu realizācija, sākot no projektēšanas un iekārtu piegādes līdz iekārtu nodošanai ekspluatācijā, un apkalpošanu ekspluatācijas laikā.

  • illustration


    Līgumklientiem iekārtu un sistēmu regulāra un kvalificēta apkope un remonts jebkurā diennakts laikā.

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