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    Battery energy storage systems

    A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is a technology that stores electrical energy in batteries for later use. It typically consists of one or more batteries, a battery management system (BMS) for monitoring and controlling the batteries, and power conversion systems (inverters) to convert the stored DC energy into AC electricity when needed. BESSs are used to store energy generated from renewable sources like solar or wind power, to provide backup power during outages, to manage peak electricity demand, and to improve the stability and reliability of electrical grids. They play a crucial role in integrating renewable energy into the grid and enhancing energy efficiency.

    • Reliability
    • Efficiency
    • Sustainability
    • Cost savings
    • Stability
    Maximizing efficiency with innovative partners illustration

    Applications of battery energy storage systems (BESS)

    • Solar and wind parks

      Utilizing electricity from renewable sources like solar and wind power is a prudent choice. These sources offer cost-effective electricity in the long term due to their reliance on abundant and free natural resources (sunlight and wind). Stored energy can be used or sold back to the grid when electricity prices are high. BESS supports large-scale applications such as Frequency Control Reserve (FCR), Frequency Fast Reserve (FFR), and renewable energy time shifting for peak shaving.

    • Frequency regulation reserve (FRR)

      With the increasing share of renewable energy, maintaining grid frequency at 50 Hz becomes critical, regardless of surplus or deficit in renewable energy production. BESS provides an ideal solution by efficiently storing excess power or supplying power back to the grid during shortages. This function is known as Grid Frequency Regulation or Frequency Regulation Reserve.

    • Backup power

      Backup power refers to secondary electricity sources that activate when the primary power source fails. Traditionally reliant on fossil-fueled generators, it can also be provided by energy storage systems, ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply during outages or emergencies. This capability is essential for sustaining critical operations and ensuring safety during grid disruptions.

    • EV charging stations

      BESS is invaluable in areas where grid capacity for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations is limited. It supports these stations by delivering peak power supply during rush hours, optimizing charging efficiency.


    Our solutions provide peace of mind for any industry

    Our team of experienced engineers provides tailored solutions for your industry’s requirements. We begin by designing and optimizing your systems, then proceed to construct the solution and provide ongoing maintenance. These essential steps work together to decrease energy costs, enhance productivity, and minimize environmental impacts.

    Take a look at the projects we've implemented.


    Benefits of BESS

    • Grid stability and reliability

      BESS enhances the stability and reliability of electrical grids by providing ancillary services such as frequency regulation, voltage support, and load balancing.

    • High electricity demand peaks

      BESS helps smooth out high peaks in electricity demand, which typically occur during morning and evening hours, as well as during extreme weather conditions when electricity consumption is significantly higher than usual.

    • Environmental Impact

      Using BESS technology helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on non-renewable energy sources.

    • Cost savings

      For utilities, BESS can defer or eliminate the need for expensive infrastructure upgrades by optimizing the use of existing grid assets. For consumers, BESS can reduce electricity bills by storing energy during off-peak periods when rates are lower and using it during peak periods when rates are higher.

    • Grid stability and reliability
    • High electricity demand peaks
    • Environmental Impact
    • Cost savings
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