
Industrial heat pump solutions

Heat pumps are one of the key technologies toward a carbon-free world. Industrial heat pump solutions provide sustainable and energy-efficient heating options for various industrial processes. These solutions harness renewable energy sources like air, water, ground or waste heat to reduce environmental impact while maintaining consistent and cost-effective heating.

Industrial heat pump solutions
  • Replacing expensive fossil fuels
  • Reducing CO2 emissions
  • Efficient waste heat recovery
  • Combining heating and cooling
  • Ensuring reliability and energy efficiency

Boosting the energy transition

Up to 50% of industrial energy is lost as waste heat in the form of hot exhaust gases, cooling water, and heat from industrial processes such as boiling, cooking, and refrigeration. In most cases, this waste heat is characterized by “low temperature,” typically below 50°C.
Heat pumps can raise this temperature up to +120 °C using only a third of the energy that would otherwise be needed for conventional heat sources.

Maximizing efficiency with innovative partners illustration
  • Oilon burners and industrial heat pumps

Our expertise

  • Waste heat recovery from flue gases

    Up to 15% of the energy in flue gas is contained in the form of latent heat of condensation. The Oilon ChillHeat heat pump is capable of recovering this energy by cooling the flue gases below the dew point, allowing for the efficient recovery of most of this energy.

  • Waste heat recovery from ammonia refrigeration plants

    Ammonia refrigeration plants are widely used within the beverage and food industries due to their high refrigerating efficiency. However, in most cases, a significant portion of the energy from refrigeration plants operating at temperatures between 24-35°C is released into the atmosphere through evaporative condensers. This valuable energy can be effectively recovered by heat pumps for heating purposes, such as hot water heating, pasteurization, or CIP stations.

  • Waste heat recovery in tire manufacturing industry

    Tire production demands a cooling energy for mixing or callanding processes, which is subsequently lost in the form of cooling water. At the same time, rubber storage rooms or extrusion processes require heating year-round. Heat pumps are the perfect choice to couple these cooling and heating processes, eliminating the need for fossil fuels for heating.

  • Combined cooling and heating in chocolate production

    The heat pumps can recover the energy from warm chocolate and waste heat generated during waffle baking, using it for heating purposes such as producing syrup or hot water.

Reasons why you need industrial heat pump solution

  • Increased plant efficiency

    The most cost-effective energy is the energy we don't waste. Heat pumps enable the recovery of otherwise wasted energy, allowing you to reuse it in your processes.

  • Reduced CO2 Emissions

    Oilon ChillHeat heat pumps allow to significantly reduce CO2 emissions, avoid subjecting to Emissions Trading System or even avoid any fossil fuels burning.

  • Reduction of thermal energy costs

    Oilon ChillHeat allows to reduce the costs of energy up to 6 times, thanks to its very high Coefficient of Performance. This means that for every 1 kWh of electricity consumed, 6 kWh of heat is produced.

  • Combined heating and cooling

    Heat pumps can simultaneously produce heating and cooling energy for processes like pasteurization, machinery cooling, building heating, and many other applications where both heating and cooling are required.

  • Sector coupling

    Combining renewable energy with heat pumps enables 'Sector Coupling,' connecting industries with high waste heat output to municipal heating systems. This approach decarbonizes local municipal areas and reduces domestic energy costs.

  • Monitoring and Control

    Modern systems offer advanced monitoring and control capabilities. Check if your systems have real-time monitoring, automation, and remote control features.

  • Wan't to know more?

    Contact our experts, we are ready to help you!

  • Increased plant efficiency
  • Reduced CO2 Emissions
  • Reduction of thermal energy costs
  • Combined heating and cooling
  • Sector coupling
  • Monitoring and Control
  • Wan't to know more?
We're here to support you every step of the way, whether it's auditing, building a system, or offering 24/7 response to failures if needed
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    System Audit

    Audits are tailored to your process or application and your budget. We analyze whether your systems are properly sized, configured, and tailored to your processes.

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    Process Engineering

    A well-designed system meets your industry's needs. Our engineers will formulate a plan to enhance efficiency and reliability. Our focus is on delivering quality products that ensure longevity and savings over time.

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    Project Management and Realization

    Our experienced team will arrange everything necessary to deliver the agreed solution on time. This includes construction, equipment transport, on-site installation, and commissioning.

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    Regular maintenance prevents future problems and allows you to quickly resolve any issues that arise. Our 24/7 breakdown response ensures your business runs uninterrupted.

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