This is our project, a high-efficiency natural gas power plant with trigeneration capabilities and a total capacity of 7600 kW. This facility includes two cogeneration modules that generate hot water and electricity from natural gas, and a two-pass steam generator that uses exhaust gases to produce steam. In the second phase of the project, we integrated a cooling system utilizing hot water, achieving full trigeneration capability. This phase includes three absorption chillers (L270HH – 500 kW, L300HH – 600 kW, L375HH – 700 kW) from World Energy Absorption Chillers Europe LTD, alongside three MARLEY cooling towers (AQ 495M – 1100 kW, AQ 496K – 1300 kW, AQ 496M – 1540 kW) by SPX Cooling Technologies UK. Each tower is equipped with a comprehensive water treatment system featuring Grundfos chemical dosing, Veolia WATER TECHNOLOGIES & SOLUTIONS for water correction, and a HACH system for continuous monitoring and automatic drainage control.
At full capacity, the plant will achieve:
- Electricity production up to 4000 kW
- Combined production of hot water and steam up to 3600 kW
- Cooling production from hot water up to 1800 kW
This project demonstrates our commitment to sustainable energy solutions and customer trust.